Goreva Tat'yana Aleksandrovna
Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Abstract. The article addresses the problem of didactic discourse organization while training oral translators for bachelor’s degree which required studying the concept of oral translator’s didactic discourse. This type of discourse refers to the institutional discourse. The special attention is paid to the problem of general and special translator’s competences formed in the situation of oral translator’s didactic discourse. Along with the generally accepted translator’s competences, such as communicative, linguistic, linguo-psychological, textual, creative, informational retrieval, cognitive-cultural, technological, ethical the paper identifies two special translator’s competences: pragmatic and pragmatically conditioned which is associated with the necessity to make pragmatic and pragmatically conditioned transformations in the translation process. The author describes step-by-step formation of these competences: analysis and explanation of transformations at the pragmatic level, analysis of different speech acts, selection of parallel texts in two languages, oral translation of bilingual dialogue presupposing pragmatic transformations with a view to achieve adequate communicative effect.
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