Ivashneva Lidiya Leonidovna
Astrakhan State University
Abstract. The study of the genre nature of folk legends, the uniqueness of their poetics, the scientific description of the genre varieties and their dominant characters are some of the most urgent problems of folklore studies. The perspective of the search for the solutions is obvious both in the theoretical aspect and in the practice of the publication of oral legends. Nowadays the object of intensive study is hagiographical and eschatological legends, as well as an unexplored genre - the legends of numbness. The diversity of the paradigm of folk legends, their constant interaction with other genres predetermine the introduction of new definitions and the revision of the existing ones.
Key words and phrases: агиографические легенды, апокрифические легенды, космогонические легенды, легенды "о возмездии", легенды об обмираниях, hagiographical legends, apocryphal legends, cosmogonic legends, legends "of retaliation", legends of numbness
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