Shakhmatova Zoya Vyacheslavovna
Shakhmatova Zoya Vyacheslavovna Pacific National University
Abstract. The article examines the issue of the occasional composites of the Russian language of the XIX century created by V. A. Ertel and V. I. Dal. The author singles out the main semantic groups of the occasional words of the XIX century, gives the most common word-formative models of occasional composites, and also mentions possible causes of occasional words appearance in the dictionaries of the XIX century. Occasional words were created as an alternative of foreign terms because of the poor development of the Russian terminology of separate sciences.
Key words and phrases: окказионализм, композит, семантическая группа, словообразовательная модель, контрноминация, термин, occasional word, composite, semantic group, word-formative model, counter-nomination, term
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