Abstract. The article deals with the study of functioning of English inclusions in a Czech text by the material of the novel "The Engineer of Human Souls" by Josef Skvorecky. In the course of the research English inclusions are divided into English inclusions-lexemes and English inclusions-phrases or word combinations. It has been revealed that foreign language inclusions-nouns are used more frequently, while adjectives and verbs are used less frequently. In most cases inclusions are taken with the aim of nomination, and in separate cases - as a language game. Also the problem of macaronic speech is illustrated and the causes of its appearance are analyzed.
Key words and phrases: иноязычные вкрапления, английские вкрапления, заимствование, окказионализм, переключение кодов, варваризм, интернационализм, ксенизм, смешение кодов, интерференция, макароническая речь, foreign language inclusions, English inclusions, loan word, occasional word, code-switching, barbarism, internationalism, xenisme, code-blending, interference, macaronic speech
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