Inozemtseva Nadezhda Vladimirovna, Evstafiadi Ol'ga Vyacheslavovna
Orenburg State University
Abstract. The article deals with the basic criteria for writing annotations and abstract-texts, determines their typical structure. The problem of their similarities and differences is in the center of the research and is stated in detail in the paper because the preparation of the annotation is an integral part of any scientific article, which is published in periodicals, and this issue causes endless debate about its correct writing. The authors determine the position of the considered units in the publications of various genres and come to the conclusion that the presence of the annotation or abstract-text depends, first of all, on the article genre.
Key words and phrases: аннотация, абстракт-текст, научная статья, рекомендации, авторское резюме, annotation, abstract-text, scientific article, recommendations, author’s summary
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