Bakhaeva Leila Mukharbekovna, Mantsaeva Aina Novrdievna
Chechen State Pedagogical University
Chechen State University
Abstract. The article examines one of the means of the formation of the linguistic terms of the contemporary Chechen language - borrowing. A foreign language vocabulary borrowing is a universal linguistic phenomenon peculiar to each language, since there is no free language, which is not influenced by other ones. The need of the society in the nomination of new phenomena and processes is satisfied with the borrowing of lacking words in the language in a number of cases. Just because of this loan words take significant place in the Chechen language. It is especially obviously traced in the area of terminological vocabulary. Borrowing contributes to the enrichment of the language vocabulary; the words of foreign origin, as a rule, comply with the laws of the phonetics, grammar and word formation of the language.
Key words and phrases: дискурс, заимствование, калькирование, терминосистема, лексика, двуязычие, национально-культурная специфика, discourse, loan word, calquing, term system, vocabulary, bilingualism, national-cultural specificity
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