Arutyunyan Lusine Armenovna
Armenian State University of Economics
Abstract. The article considers the functions of modal verbs while describing the forecast that is the prospects of economic events. In its turn, an economic event is a whole range of economic situations and phenomena existing both in the world economy and the economies of separate countries. The forecast of an economic event is a text that describes real or not real, possible or impossible development of further events suggested by the authors of articles on economic subject matter. In particular, the functions of the modal verbs may , might , could and should are analyzed .
Key words and phrases: экономическое событие, прогноз экономических событий, модальные глаголы, бизнес-новости, события-идеи, экономический дискурс, economic event, forecasting economic events, modal verbs, business news, events-ideas, economic discourse
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