Anisina Natal'ya Viktorovna
Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University
Abstract. The article deals with the linguistic technologies of the unconscious position formation in brief news reports and news notes. The author analyzes the linguistic and textual technologies of the formation and leveling of fear in relation to socially important events: the use of the positions in the structure of micro- and macrotext meant for an uncritical acceptance; the selection and arrangement of semantic elements in the text; the use of lexical and grammatical means for displacement of accents in the description of the event; the use of different types of thinking and types of text.
Key words and phrases: медиалингвистика, речевое воздействие, неосознаваемая установка, психологическое влияние СМИ, структура микротекста и макротекста, некритическое восприятие информации, интерпретация события в тексте новостей, media linguistics, linguistic manipulation, unconscious position, psychological impact of mass media, structure of micro- and macrotext, uncritical acceptance of information, interpretation of events in a news text
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