Ageeva Yuliya Viktorovna
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Abstract. The article describes the results of studying new recruiting discourse, which is focused on the communicative situation of a job interview. Having analyzed the linguistic arsenal of the discourse addressee and addresser the author identified that the basic markers of the recruiter’s and applicant’s speech at the lexico-semantic level are the terms, professionalisms and barbarisms of different institutional spheres, which is conditioned by the extra-linguistic peculiarities of the discourse and its inter-professional nature.
Key words and phrases: рекрутинговый дискурс, рекрутёр, соискатель, языковые индикаторы, лексические единицы, межпрофессиональность, recruiting discourse, recruiter, applicant, linguistic markers, lexical units, inter-professional nature
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Kadry reshayut [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 17.05.2016).