Shadeko Vasilii Petrovich
Pushkin Leningrad State University
Abstract. The article examines the main characteristics of the artistic image: synthetic character, the reproducibility of the form, the undivided of the sign and the signified in the image with the semantic link, the ability of the image to be interpreted. The habitat of the image is human consciousness. All these and other image characteristics, which found their confirmation in the examples from the works by V. G. Belinsky, M. Gorky, Leo Tolstoy, B. Kellermann, etc., enable to come to the conclusion about difference between the image and such related notions as simile, metaphor and symbol.
Key words and phrases: художественный образ, индивидуализация и типизация окружающей действительности, синкретизм, сравнение, метафора, символ, artistic image, individualization and typification of surrounding reality, syncretism, simile, metaphor, symbol
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