Kou Syaokhua
South-West University (China)
Abstract. The information picture of the world as a scientific conception developed in the late twentieth century and examines the surrounding world, basing on the large flow of information and technology development. The information picture of the world is characterized by cultural specificity and is closely associated with the linguistic picture of the world, as it covers two important aspects - media culture and the language of mass media as two scientific conceptions. In this article on the basis of the sociocultural and linguocultural theories the author investigates the formation and characteristics of the information picture of the world, the content of media culture and the language of mass media, as well as their interactions; a theoretical construct between the information picture of the world, media culture and the language of mass media is formed.
Key words and phrases: информационная картина мира, медиакультура, язык СМИ, социокультура, лингвокультурология, information picture of world, media culture, language of mass media, socioculture, cultural linguistics
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