Alesenkova Viktoriya Nikolaevna
Saratov State Conservatory named after L. V. Sobinov
Abstract. The article is devoted to interpreting myth-making process with a view to identify myth-formative mechanisms in the linguistic and mental space of scenic action. Having analyzed the myth in the philosophical, linguistic and semiological aspects the author identified the three-level myth model in the performance: formal linguistic level (the sphere of form implementation), mental linguistic level (the sphere of meaning manifestation) and mental extra-linguistic level (the sphere of meaning projection). Myth realization mechanisms within the linguistic sphere are the sign and metaphor, within the extra-linguistic sphere - symbol.
Key words and phrases: миф как подражание действию, миф как символ, миф как язык, миф как структура, знак, текст, метатекст, спектакль, языковое/ментальное пространства, myth as an imitation of an action, myth as a symbol, myth as a language, myth as a structure, sign, text, meta-text, performance, linguistic/mental space
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