Soboleva Ol'ga Vladimirovna, Popova Ol'ga Aleksandrovna
Perm National Research Polytechnic University; Perm Military Institute of the Interior Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Perm Military Institute of the Interior Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ru
Abstract. This article analyzes the language game in military jargon. The authors consider the communicative arrangements and techniques of the language game in the speech of the cadets of the military institution of higher education (the use of indirect nominations, the use of precedential texts, abbreviation, game interpretation of the common-literary word).
Key words and phrases: языковая игра, жаргон, военный жаргон, приемы языковой игры, аббревиация, language game, jargon, military jargon, techniques of language game, abbreviation
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