Morozova Irina Olegovna
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Branch) in Krasnodar
Abstract. In the study of a special linguistic category - emotionality - the author attempts not only to classify and regulate the means of emotionality expression in the English and Russian languages, but also to compare linguistic possibilities of their realization. Practical and theoretical material, examined in the paper, allows not only differentiating the means of emotionality expression in the English and Russian languages by revealing their ethno-specific, unique features, but also discovering identical ones, which let two languages interact with other freely.
Key words and phrases: категория эмоциональности, оценочность, экспрессивность, эмотивность, способы выражения, the category of emotionality, evaluation, expressiveness, emotivity, means of expression, the category of emotionality, evaluation, expressiveness, emotivity, means of expression
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