Abstract. The specificity of expression of a subjective author’s evaluation in the episodes of the novel by M. Gorky "Life of Klim Samgin" (1927-1936) is considered. It is found out that in the literary narration in contrast to the journalistic essays and sketches devoted to the All-Russian industrial exhibition of 1896 the writer goes away from simplicity in the evaluation of the depicted, using a number of specific techniques, that increase the degree of literary novel text.
Key words and phrases: факт, вымысел, образ иллюстративный, фактографический, художественный, авторская субъективность, художественный приём, субъект повествования, персонажи-антагонисты, монтаж, fact, fiction, illustrative, factographic, literary image, author’s subjectivity, literary technique, the subject of narration, the characters-antagonists, montage
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