Abdurashitova Sevil' Yasharovna
Crimean State Engineering and Pedagogical University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the examination of a linguistic situation in the USA on the whole and, in particular, in New York as the largest megapolis of the USA according to the quantity of residents and also to the study of the role of the Russian immigrants in the formation of an ethno-linguistic situation in the region under consideration. The paper gives the data of sociological and socio-political research, devoted to the analysis of migration processes, official statistic figures of the migration services departments of several countries, the information of population census and intermediate surveys, conducted in the USA, and also views of some researchers are stated about the quantity of the Russian population of New York in comparison with other big cities of the USA. In conclusion the author characterizes a contemporary linguistic situation in New York on a number of features in compliance with a typological classification of linguistic situations.
Key words and phrases: языковая ситуация, этническая группа, русскоязычные иммигранты, трудовая миграция, миграционный прирост, диаспора, этноязыковое разнообразие, миноритарный язык, двуязычие, диглоссия, linguistic situation, ethnic group, Russian-speaking immigrants, labour migration, migration growth, diaspora, ethno-linguistic variety, minority language, bilingualism, diglossia
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