Bogdanova Ol'ga Viktorovna
Samara State Technical University
Abstract. The article examines a competence approach to the study of legal disciplines by the example of the academic course "Administrative Law". The forms and methods of the formation of common cultural and general professional competences with the use of interactive forms of work, directed on the development of legal knowledge of students, abilities to orientate in legal activity, having skills of compilation and analysis of normative legal documents and their correct application, are shown.
Key words and phrases: правовые дисциплины, административное право, государственное и муниципальное управление, общекультурные и общепрофессиональные компетенции, знания, умения, навыки, интерактивные формы обучения, экспертиза закона, legal disciplines, administrative law, state and municipal management, common cultural and general professional competences, knowledge, abilities, skills, interactive forms of teaching, the expertise of law
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