Guziekova Saida Musovna
Maykop State Technological University (Branch) in Yablonovsky of the Republic of Adygea
Abstract. The article deals with the linguo-sociocultural aspect of studying the artistic worldview, which allows considering a wide context as a means starting the process of creation of the author of the text. The conceptual sphere of a literary text reflects the author's individual worldview and its interrelation with the cultural, historical and social environment. The purpose of the article is to study the linguo-sociocultural peculiarities of the formation of the writer’s worldview by means of the analysis of a literary text.
Key words and phrases: художественный текст, лингвосоциокультурный аспект, концептосфера, индивидуально-авторская картина мира, literary text, linguo-sociocultural aspect, conceptual sphere, author's individual worldview
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