Andrianova Nataliya Sergeevna, Kuz'mina Elena Konstantinovna
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Abstract. The article is devoted to studying telescopy as an autonomous word-formative phenomenon in the modern French language. The authors investigate a telescopic word within the comparative characteristic of the structural and word-formative features of occasional and terminological telescopes. Distinguishing between the concepts "abbreviated" and "telescopic" word and the comparative characteristic of authors’ original telescopes and terms-telescopes promote a more detailed description of the telescopy mechanism’s specifics.
Key words and phrases: телескопия, телескопы, словосложение, паронимы, окказиональные телескопы, терминологические телескопы, telescopy, telescopes, composition, paronyms, occasional telescopes, terminological telescopes
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