Zinnatullina Liliya Makharyamovna
Kazan National Research Technological University
Abstract. The article is devoted to studying culture-specific adverbial phraseological units in the English and Russian languages. The paper introduces a definition of culture-specific phraseological units and examines four ways of translation: calquing (full and partial), descriptive translation, lexical and combined translation. The researcher focuses on analyzing the provided examples, tries to solve the problems of translating for the recipient language bearers considering the achievements of the theory of phraseology. According to the author, the provision to observe the norms of the recipient language is as follows: to preserve the figurativeness, national and cultural nature of the culture-specific phraseological units of the original language.
Key words and phrases: безэквивалентные фразеологические единицы, калькирование, дескриптивный, лексический, комбинированный перевод, национально-культурный характер, culture-specific phraseological units, calquing, descriptive, lexical, combined translation, national and cultural nature
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