Burova Aleksandra Alekseevna
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Abstract. The article deals with the aspects of functional-communicative analysis of the phenomenon of contextual paradigm by the material of Russian adverbs. The contextual paradigm of each particular adverbial unit is a realization of the transformation paradigm of the sentence, which is based on the interpretative mechanisms. The study of this phenomenon within the framework of the notion of contextual paradigm identifies the peculiarities of syntactic transformations of Russian sentences, and reveals the text potential of the Russian language adverbs as one of the least-studied categorical class of words.
Key words and phrases: контекстуальная парадигма, контекстуальные корреляты, интерпретационная парадигма предложения, трансформационные механизмы, наречие, contextual paradigm, contextual correlates, interpretative paradigm of the sentence, transformation mechanisms, adverb
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