Vasilenko Anatolii Petrovich
Bryansk State University named after academician I. G. Petrovsky
Abstract. The article considers the component-conjunction and and its semantic-syntactic role by the example of English N -head phraseological constructions with the component bread . The given conclusions come to the fact that the function of the non-notional component of a phraseological unit and is factual (conjunctive) or conditional (implied). In the case of the factual representation of and the head component bread enters into syntagmatic relations with the explicit component-conjunction, and through it forms a complementary thematic connection with another head component. In the case of the conditional representation of and there is an implicit qualifying connection between it and the component bread .
Key words and phrases: N-вершинный фразеологизм, компонент "хлеб" в составе фразеологизма, знаменательный и незнаменательный компоненты фразеологизма, фразеообразовательная модель, синтагматические отношения, значение, N-head phraseological unit, component "bread" as a part of phraseological unit, notional and non-notional components of phraseological unit, phraseoformative model, syntagmatic relations, meaning
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