Oberemchenko Elena Yur'evna, Manzheleevskaya Elena Vyacheslavovna, Druz'eva Anastasiya Aleksandrovna
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
Oryol Cossack Cadet Corps
Abstract. The article discusses the notions of "emotional responding", "metatext units", as well as gives the results of studying the verbal behavior of the representatives of the socio-professional group of musicians. In the process of the objective pragmalinguistic experiment the authors analyze the frequency of the actualization of metatext units in authors’ texts, which allows revealing the peculiarities of authors-musicians’ verbal behavior for the first time and thereby identifying the degree of their emotional responding in the communicative event.
Key words and phrases: эмоция, эмоциональное реагирование, метатекст, прагмалингвистика, эксперимент, музыкант, emotion, emotional responding, metatext, pragmalinguistics, experiment, musician
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