Smirnov Kirill Valentinovich
Vologda State University
Abstract. The article says about the eternity as one of the basic elements of the ideologic model of the novel "Oblomov" by I. A. Goncharov. The reasons of Oblomov’s detachment, his striving to keep aloof from the surrounding world are analyzed; the images of a cave, mirror and stone act as the motivating ones. It is proved that Oblomov’s dream about an ideal world, realized in the house of Agafia Pshenitsina, has a more positive shade than negative in the framework of the context. The examination of the contextual element of eternity as the pursuit for stability allows understanding the motivation of Oblomov’s acts more deeply and characterizing the specificity of his mentality more accurately.
Key words and phrases: символы пещеры, зеркала, камня, потусторонний мир, инициация через сон, Обломовка, отстранение, типизация, положительный или отрицательный герой, the symbol of a cave, mirror, stone, the other world, initiation through the dream, Oblomovka, detachment, typification, a positive or negative character
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