Abstract. The concepts of time describing the temporal relations are represented by certain linguistic units that have their own semantics, syntax and pragmatics, exist in the system of the language and function in the context of a particular conceptual situation. In this regard, the authors pay particular attention to the detailed analysis of the temporal concepts of simultaneity, precedence and consecution in the German language, which are implemented in complex sentences with the help of verb forms, lexical qualifiers of time and temporal conjunctions.
Key words and phrases: концепт времени, полная, частичная одновременность, дистантный, контактный, предшествование, следование, темпоральные лексические уточнители, глагольная форма, темпоральный союз, concept of time, full, partial simultaneity, distant, contact, precedence, consecution, temporal lexical qualifiers, verb form, temporal conjunction
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