Gvozdeva Elena Viktorovna
G. V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Abstract. The author examines the process of forming antonymic relations between the derivatives of word-formative clusters. For that purpose the researcher conducts synchronic and diachronic study of the antonymic clusters. By historical analysis she tries to discover how the opposition relations in the pairs "beginning-end", "to begin-to end" and their derivatives developed, what phenomena were typical for the language over the whole period of its development, which ones are associated with the modernity. The paper aims to exemplify the systematizing function of a cluster and to show the possibility for using cluster approach to studying language, in particular such lexical phenomena as the reflected antonymy.
Key words and phrases: словообразование, лексика, антонимия, толково-словообразовательное гнездо, лексические и словообразовательные антонимы, отраженная антонимия, word-formation, vocabulary, antonymy, explanatory and word-formative cluster, lexical and word-formative antonyms, reflected antonymy
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