Yuzmukhametova Landysh Nurgayanovna
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Abstract. The article examines the specific of manifesting sentimentalism techniques in the national prose. The nature of this phenomenon is discovered during the analysis of the story by the modern Tatar writer M. Valiev "The Volga shore". The paper aims to evaluate theoretically the content of the certain devices used by the writer and their role in the development of the national literary process.
Key words and phrases: современная татарская проза, творчество Мансура Валиева, неосентиментализм, художественный прием, орнаментальный стиль, национальный литературный процесс, modern Tatar prose, M. Valiev’s creative work, neo-sentimentalism, artistic device, ornamental style, national literary process
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