Shchemelinina Irina Nikolaevna
Moscow Region State University
Abstract. The article is devoted to analyzing the nouns "evil", "malice", "evil mind", "malefactor", "anger", "evil-doer" as the representatives of the concept EVIL in the work by Grigory Kotoshikhin "On Russia during the reign of Alexey Mikhailovich". Analyzing the specifics of using these words in the text representing Russian linguistic worldview in the reign of Alexey Mikhailovich the author identified that such units as "evil mind", "malefactor", "evil-doer" lost their relevance in the modern Russian language. The analysis of these nouns indicated that their interpretative field is based on actualizing not only positive but also negative connotations the origin of which exemplifies the changes in the system to evaluate the perception of the concept EVIL in the conceptual sphere of the native speaker of Russian of the XVII century.
Key words and phrases: вербализатор, концепт ЗЛО, интерпретационное поле, репрезентант, сочинение Г. Котошихина, verbalizer, concept EVIL, interpretative field, representative, Grigory Kotoshikhin’s work
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