Zenovskaya Polina Evgen'evna
Saint Petersburg State University
Abstract. The article examines the personages - world model bearers in the stories by Serbian realist writer of the XX century Ivo Andri?. In the works under study Ivo Andri? replaces the author’s element represented in the image of an omniscient author with the literary personage’s consciousness thus distancing himself from the depicted events, consequently the role of the personages’ worldview for the analysis of the artistic reality structure grows. The findings allow concluding on the creation of a special type of a marginal personage who is common for all the works under analysis.
Key words and phrases: сербская литература, малая проза, рассказ, авторское начало, персонаж, модель мира, Serbian literature, small prose, story, author’s element, personage, world model
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