Rakhmanova Vasilya Minivalievna, Filyasov Dmitrii Anatol'evich
Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Branch) in Sterlitamak
Abstract. The article examines the peculiarities of using international vocabulary in the technical texts in the sphere of petroleum industry in the English and Russian languages. The typical peculiarities of a scientific and technical text are revealed. The classification of international vocabulary in phonation and semantics is given. The classification of the vocabulary under consideration into separate subgroups is thoroughly presented: international words similar in phonation and semantics; international words coinciding in phonation, but different in semantics; international words, not having coincidences both in phonation, and in semantics.
Key words and phrases: интернациональная лексика, технический текст, перевод, нефтяная промышленность, семантика, звучание, international vocabulary, technical text, translation, petroleum industry, semantics, phonation
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