Ozdoeva Eset Gerikhanovna
Ingush State University
Abstract. The article considers the genesis of terms, denoting kinship by marriage in the Ingush language. It is observed that terms of kinship by marriage denote relationships, occurring as a result of marriage. According to the time of formation they are considered to be much later, secondary. They are formed on the basis of terms of cognation. The terms of kinship by marriage in the Ingush language are simple and complex words in their structure.
Key words and phrases: термины кровного родства, термины некровного родства, хронологический статус терминов, производные термины, непроизводные термины, сложение основ, семантический признак, terms of cognation, terms of kinship by marriage, chronological status of terms, derived terms, non-derived terms, stem composition, semantic feature
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