Samarin Dmitrii Aleksandrovich
Baikal State University (Branch) in Yakutsk
Abstract. The article presents the interpretations of part of speech attribute of interjection by V. A. Bogoroditsky and L. V. Shcherba. In the process of the analysis the similarity in understanding the role of this variety of words in the formation of the human language by both Russian linguists is revealed. At the same time the fundamental difference of approaches by V. A. Bogoroditsky and L. V. Shcherba on the issue of inclusion of interjections into the structure of parts of speech is established.
Key words and phrases: междометие, часть речи, частеречный статус, культура, эмоциональные слова, звукоподражание, interjection, part of speech, part of speech status, culture, emotional words, onomatopoeia
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