Lapinskaya Irina Petrovna, Zatonskaya Al'bina Konstantinovna
Voronezh State Technical University
Abstract. Social variants of the language are characterized according to the age and territorial peculiarities of their bearers, and also according to the openness / closeness of such functional subsystems which in many ways determined by the conditions and principles of interpersonal and group communication in the different professional and voluntary associations. Interaction of social subsystems between themselves, with the colloquial speech and literary language manifests itself in the two developmental trends of semantics - polysemy and homonymy. Intersystem motion of the lexemes is followed by the change of the semantics’ evaluative component. The conclusions are exemplified by the data from 10 social dialects.
Key words and phrases: многозначность, омонимия, социальные подсистемы, жаргон, сленг, устная речь, литературный язык, polysemy, homonymy, social subsystems, jargon, slang, oral speech, literary language
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