Eremkina Vera Nikolaevna
Astrakhan State Technical University
Abstract. The article examines military vocabulary as a stratum of lexical units of the Russian language. The author aims to discover its functional and stylistic role in the newspaper texts which is manifested, first of all, in the emotional and esthetic influence on the reader. The study of the mentioned aspects of military vocabulary is carried out by the material of the texts acquired from the issues of the Astrakhan newspaper "Communist" for 1941-1945. The publication addresses linguists, journalists, equally beginners and professionals, and all those interested in the problems of mass media language.
Key words and phrases: военная лексика, публицистический дискурс, экспрессивная и стилистическая окрашенность, разговорно-бытовая лексика, просторечная лексика, базовые эмоции, семантическое поле, military vocabulary, publicistic discourse, expressive and stylistic colouring, colloquial vocabulary, low vocabulary, basic emotions, semantic field
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