Vetrova El'vira Sabirovna
Taurida Academy of V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
Abstract. The article examines the peculiarities of the speech behavior of the Ukrainians and the Lezghins in the situation of "hospitability". The typical speech expressions, serving various stages of this ritual, are analyzed. It is found out that the hospitability possesses a number of universal characteristics. However its speech realization in the communicative practice of the Ukrainins and the Lezghins has a national specificity, conditioned by the customs, moral principles of ethnic groups, and also ancient influence of nature-climatic and socio-historical factors.
Key words and phrases: гостеприимство, гость, хозяин, этикетные формулы приветствия, приглашения, прощания, украинцы, лезгины, hospitability, guest, host, etiquette formulas of greeting, invitation, farewell, the Ukranians, the Lezghins
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