Dzhankhotova Zaurizat Khasanovna, Gorbulinskaya Elena Ivanovna, Kokova Emma Ladinovna
Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov in Nalchik
Abstract. The article analyzes the violations of the grammatical norms of the Russian language emerging in the Russian speech of Turkish students as a result of interlanguage interference. The practice of work with foreign students shows that the more differences there are between language systems, the broader the field of potential interference is. In the paper a number of methodological techniques for the teachers of the Russian language as a foreign one is suggested, which will allow preventing the errors of the type under consideration.
Key words and phrases: интерференция, русский язык, турецкий язык, грамматическая категория рода, категория одушевленности / неодушевленности, выражение определительных отношений, метод сравнительного анализа, interference, the Russian language, the Turkish language, grammatical category of gender, category of animateness/inanimateness, expression of attributive relations, method of comparative analysis
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