Vasyukova Marina Valentinovna
Tambov State Technical University
Abstract. In the article the symbolism of zoo-images of the characters in Lyudmila Ulitskaya’s novel "The Big Green Tent" is analyzed. It is proved that in addition to the traditional use of zoomorphisms L. Ulitskaya uses neo-zoomorphisms, thereby drawing attention to the figurative meaning of some zoo-symbols. The author compares the characteristic features of the images of animals in their interrelations with the natural forces, with the instinctive and emotional manifestations of human life. The attention is paid to the fact that zoomorphic similes in this work carry a great characterological message performing aesthetic, emotional and symbolic functions.
Key words and phrases: зоообразы, зооморфизмы, неозооморфизмы, символика зооморфных персонажей, зооморфные сравнения, мутация зоообразов в современном литературном произведении, zoo-images, zoomorphisms, neo-zoomorphisms, symbolism of zoomorphic characters, zoomorphic similes, mutation of zoo-images in a modern literary work
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