Chaunina Natal'ya Vladimirovna
Technical Institute (Branch) of the M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University
Abstract. The article provides a detailed analysis of the antinomical opposition system in I. Brodsky’s poems of the 1964-1965. "Antinomy conception" by A. G. Kovalenko served as the theoretical and methodological basis of the research. The researcher identifies and analyzes the key motive-imaginative complexes, "elementary" binary oppositions forming the basic conflict of Brodsky’s lyrics of the 1960s - "prisoner/creator - hostile environment". The paper identifies the development trend of the conflict in the aspect of author’s world perception.
Key words and phrases: И. Бродский, лирика, оппозиция, антиномия, конфликт, вектор, I. Brodsky, lyrics, opposition, antinomy, conflict, vector
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