Ivanov Dmitrii Igorevich
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, People's Republic of China; Ivanovo State University
Abstract. In connection with the processes taking place in the modern linguistic-oriented humanitarian cognition, the paper highlights the issue of the priority study of modeling structures of synthetic language personality (SLP) - cognitive-pragmatic programs (CPP). They act as a mental-cognitive link between human consciousness, thinking and intelligence, allow carrying out a multidimensional analysis of the linguistic and communicative (individual / collective (mass)) consciousness, the processes of cognitive interaction of the subjects of different types. Full (complete) CPP modeling cycle in the space of personality’s cognitive consciousness includes five main stages: the preparatory one, where CPP appear in the non-personal, abstract form; the stage of primary personification and conversion of mental-cognitive prototypes; the stage of personification completion, mastering and conversion of multiple configurations of conceptual units meanings; the stage of CPP multi-channel transmission from the subject-source to the subject-interpreter; the stage of changing the status of the subject-interpreter.
Key words and phrases: когнитивное сознание, коммуникативное сознание, синтетическая языковая личность (СЯЛ), когнитивно-прагматическая программа (КПП), субъект-источник, субъект-интерпретатор, cognitive consciousness, communicative consciousness, synthetic language personality (SLP), cognitive-pragmatic program (CPP), subject-source, subject-interpreter
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