Baimuratova Ul'yana Sergeevna, Verzhinskaya Inna Vladimirovna
Orenburg State University
Abstract. The hedonistic function of a text is examined by the material of cards of the project "Postcrossing" that is the result of the addresser’s intentions to entertain oneself and correspondence partner. Special attention is paid to expressive and stylistic means of creating humor in phrases of cards, the text of which is characterized as one of the components of the linguistic model of national humor. The conclusion is made that national cultural features, implemented in language, are manifested at comic actualization of reality.
Key words and phrases: юмор, гедонистическая функция, комический эффект, интенция, естественная письменная английская речь, humour, hedonistic function, comic effect, intention, natural written English speech
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