Khalidova Misai Rasulovna
Institute of Language, Literature and Art named after G. Tsadasa of Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. The article discusses the struggle with Nadir Shah in the way of people's view of history. The people even now tell the stories about heroes and events related to that period. A number of legends reflects the most reliable events, represented in the traditional metaphorical imagery. The author notes that in some legends there is the influence of the heroic epic aesthetics. The paper represents more fully the legends in which the heroes are endowed with not only bravery and courage, but also with intelligence, cunning, resourcefulness. In this case the emphasis is not on the glorification of the image, but on depicting the features of the character’s nature. The legends are based on the mythological convention with its attributes (especially exaggeration), the idealization of the characters, traditional conscious fiction peculiar to epic works.
Key words and phrases: предания, Надир-шах, миф, эпический мотив, мифологическая условность, гиперболизация, legends, Nadir Shah, myth, epic motive, mythological convention, exaggeration
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Lichnyi arkhiv starshego nauchnogo sotrudnika Instituta YaLI DNTs RAN F. Z. Abakarovoi.
Lichnyi arkhiv starshego nauchnogo sotrudnika Instituta YaLI DNTs RAN F. M. Ibragimovoi.
Lichnyi arkhiv glavnogo nauchnogo sotrudnika Instituta YaLI DNTs RAN M. R. Khalidovoi.