Abstract. The article examines innovative nature of lyrics by the American poet of Romanticism epoch W. Whitman, who enriched the language of American literature introducing in it the common colloquial vocabulary and contributed to the adoption of realistic motives in the American poetry addressing abolitionism problem. The research subject is of undoubted scientific interest since its choice is motivated by the insufficient study of the creative work of the poet - humanist, founder of the modern American poetry, whose creative world perception represents the challenges of the whole epoch in the American poetry development.
Key words and phrases: романтизм, тема, проблема, мотив, образ, лирический герой, трасцендентализм, метафора, эпитет, аболиционизм, Romanticism, subject, problem, motive, image, lyrical hero, transcendentalism, metaphor, epithet, abolitionism
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