Abstract. This article analyzes the relationship of the president F. D. Roosevelt and his administration with the American press and other mass media in the 1930s, in the period of his "New Deal" implementation, which followed the "Great Depression". The author examines the role of the president himself as a communicator, and the creation of state structures, professionally engaged in the relations with the mass media. The author comes to the conclusion that the foundations laid during the presidency of F. D. Roosevelt predetermined the modern system of the relationships between presidents and the mass media.
Key words and phrases: "великая экономическая депрессия", таблоидная пресса, "пандиты", качественная пресса, "новый курс" Ф. Д. Рузвельта, сопротивление пресс-лордов, пресс-служба, пресс-конференции, Американская гильдия газетчиков, связи с общественностью, Информационная служба Соединенных Штатов, Администрация по срочной федеральной помощи, пресс-релизы, киноролики, "The Great Economic Depression", tabloid press, "Pundits", qualitative press, F. D. Roosevelt’s "New Deal", resistance of press lords, press service, press conference, The American Newspaper Guild, public relations, The United States Information Service, Administration for Urgent Federal Aid, press releases, film commercials
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