Sibirko Nadezhda Sergeevna
Pyatigorsk State University
Abstract. The article discovers the meaning of the concept "genre" which is widely used in text linguistics. The author examines genre from the viewpoint of mass communication, in particular, in the different printed media types - "yellow press", young generation’s choice, and "qualitative" press, older generation’s preference. The author analyzes in detail the concepts "speech genre" and "speech act", identifies their similarities and differences and considers the choice of linguistic means within the different age groups. The paper concludes that genre choice in mass communication is made by the modern print media journalist.
Key words and phrases: жанр, стиль, генристика, речевые акты, языковые средства, коммуникативная компетенция, genre, style, genre studies, speech acts, linguistic means, communicative competence
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