Rybachuk Kseniya Yur'evna
St. Petersburg University
Abstract. The article presents a typology of intertextual inclusions in public addresses of contemporary politicians of the USA and Great Britain (the beginning of the XXI century). On the basis of some formal criteria (scope of borrowing, graphic markedness, degree of explicitness) the following types of intertextual inclusions are singled out: direct quotation, indirect speech, retelling of dialogical speech, application, textual allusions, allusive names and denotations. The paper explains the conditionality of singling out certain groups on the basis of the research material analysis.
Key words and phrases: интертекстуальность, интертекстуальное включение, публичное выступление, прямая цитата, косвенная речь, пересказ, аппликация, аллюзия, аллюзивные имена и названия, intertextuality, intertextual inclusion, public address, direct quotation, indirect speech, retelling, application, allusion, allusive names and denotations
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