Perepelitsyna Yuliya Rostislavovna
North-Caucasus Federal University
Abstract. The article reveals the content of the lexical-semantic field "Village" by the material of A. Yashin’s literary prose. Taking into account the existing in linguistics points of view of scientists on the problem of lexical-semantic field, the author of the article concludes that lexical-semantic content of the lexical-semantic field "Village" in A. Yashin’s prose includes words not only with common usual meanings, but with semantic increments and associative meanings. The peripheral units of the lexical-semantic field "Village" in works by A. Yashin intersect with other lexical-semantic fields (the lexical-semantic fields "Homeland", "Nature", "Land" and so on). The analysis of associative space of lexemes with the semantics "Village" is fundamental for understanding A. Yashin’s idiostyle.
Key words and phrases: лексико-семантическое поле, понятийное поле, лексико-семантическая группа, лексема, языковая картина мира, lexical-semantic field, conceptual field, lexical-semantic group, lexeme, language worldview
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