Okoneshnikov Egor Innokent'evich
Institute of the Humanities and the Indigenous Peoples of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. The article for the first time tries to single out the terms and terminological word-combinations from the term-formative linguistic text. Terminological texts are divided into the term-functioning, term-fixing and term-formative groups. Term-formative texts, according to the researchers, are just exposed to studies. In the analyzed text there are words-terms formed by the lexico-grammatical and syntagmatic methods. They are still limited in number, but they replenish the group of terms with abstract meanings. The criterion to single out terms from the text is the definition (brief explanation).
Key words and phrases: текст, терминопорождающие тексты, источник выборки, лексико-морфологические терминообразования, термины-словосочетания, адаптированные заимствования, критерий вычленения терминов, дефиниция, text, term-formative texts, source of sampling, lexico-morphological term formations, terms-word-combinations, adapted borrowings, criterion to single out terms, definition
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