Gil'mutdinova Aigul' Raisovna, Samarkina Nadezhda Olegovna, Biktemirova Ella Il'darovna
Kazan Federal University
Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the linguo-stylistic and structural-semantic characteristics of English aphorisms with the concepts "Life" and "Death". The semantic and stylistic analysis of aphorisms with these concepts has allowed discovering that in the process of creating aphorisms the authors use the whole range of stylistic devices as means of artistic expressiveness and a thought highlighting. Semantic features of the aphorism are manifested in impact on the recipient resulting in bringing him/her to reflections, providing support for his/her own conclusions. Using semantic features of aphorisms, their expressiveness, informative density, figurativeness, originality and communication clarity the authors of aphorisms manage to accurately reveal the "eternal theme" of life and death.
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