Bezrukov Andrei Nikolaevich
Bashkir State University (Branch) in Birsk
Abstract. The article outlines the main principles of postmodernism aesthetics. The key poetic categories of the literary process of the end of the XX century are deconstruction of style, dynamics of language, intertextuality, postmodernist sensitivity, play with copies, plurality of meanings, diffusion of discourses, double code. It is concluded that a complex parametric system of postmodernism is generative conglomeration of interaction of classical artistic forms, whereas practice of writing is ontologically incomplete.
Key words and phrases: постмодернизм, эстетика, стиль, язык, дискурс, интертекст, деконструкция, автор, читатель, postmodernism, aesthetics, style, language, discourse, intertext, deconstruction, author, reader
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