Khaidapova Marina Bato-Ochirovna
Buryat State University
Abstract. The article examines the phonographic peculiarities of the modern Chinese writing. The study aims to identify and describe the peculiarities of phonographic function of the phonetic components in the phono-ideogram structure. The author shows the variability of this function discovering the basic types of correlations when reading phonetic components and the appropriate hieroglyphs of the phonetic category the knowledge of which allows using hieroglyphics’ phonographic potentials when studying Chinese hieroglyphs which promotes deeper understanding of the Chinese writing system.
Key words and phrases: китайский язык, китайское письмо, иероглиф, фонографическая функция, фонетический компонент, фоноидеограмма, Chinese language, Chinese writing, hieroglyph, phonographic function, phonetic component, phono-ideogram
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